Whenever someone mentions the New World Order, suspicions are aroused and assumptions are made regarding that person’s mental state. The problem with that analysis is that the term “New World Order” is used by such luminaries as George H. W. Bush, Joe Biden, and Henry Kissinger to mention just a few. Other international power-brokers may or may not use that specific term, but they use words that mean essentially the same thing. And it’s their goals that are of concern, not whatever term they happen to use when referring to them.
You can trace the thinking behind a New World Order, or what that term describes, back as far in history as you wish to go. A powerful global government established and run by incredibly wealthy elites is not a new idea. We just find it surfacing with more or less apparent vigor as time goes by.
Let’s see what Mr. Kissinger had to say about this on the next page:
Beat it, Hank!
Remember the goal of the Third Reich. Rule the world under one government. NWO is another rendition of that sick thought process.
And Trump and us patriots are in the way.
My father warned years ago about Kissinger’s motives as well as Bush Sr and Jr. seems he was correct
No new world order
a true global hack directly under Rockefeller. may they both burn in Hell!
Secret society scum
We in America do not want NWO we want out of un and them off our soil. God is in charge
All traitors.??
No one I know wants this!