Whenever someone mentions the New World Order, suspicions are aroused and assumptions are made regarding that person’s mental state. The problem with that analysis is that the term “New World Order” is used by such luminaries as George H. W. Bush, Joe Biden, and Henry Kissinger to mention just a few. Other international power-brokers may or may not use that specific term, but they use words that mean essentially the same thing. And it’s their goals that are of concern, not whatever term they happen to use when referring to them.
You can trace the thinking behind a New World Order, or what that term describes, back as far in history as you wish to go. A powerful global government established and run by incredibly wealthy elites is not a new idea. We just find it surfacing with more or less apparent vigor as time goes by.
Let’s see what Mr. Kissinger had to say about this on the next page:
There will be no New World Order!
the end of nation states, visualize world police, no rights that aren’t granted from the govenors USA 10 zones. Pay homage to the UN and dee rocherfunkins etc. listen to us or u die types
Henry F U
Sorry, but this American wants no part of the New World Order! It is pure evil! Wake up America! We need to take our country back!
No! new world order including America!
“Tragedy and Hope” book 7-800 pages written professor Quiley, The book is use for the foreign Corp students, its for recruitment of future leaders, A Clinton mentor………. Hope is we fall for what the offer and join them, Tragedy is we dont they will force us to join…….
Is he still alive? Now I know he is brain dead.
Kissinger is not now nor was he an honorable man during the Paris Peace Accord talks with the communist North Vietnamese when he sold out America’s interests and caused America to lose face and respect on the world stage. I’ll never forgive him.
GO TO HELL, Henry, enjoy your everlasting time in ”TORMENTS”..
Another member of the elite club screw u all go to Hell! all you!