It’s always a good idea to try and get along with people who may be different than you in race, religion, ethnicity or in any other way. But, in the name of tolerance, political correctness is making it hard to say almost anything without your speech being deemed “triggering”.
Just recently a California university deemed several innocent phrases to be “microaggressions”, phrases like “America is the land of opportunity” or “Everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough”. In the ultra-politically-correct environment of the American college, harmless phrases like this are actually bigoted insults towards minorities.
What did the University of Missouri do to add to the increasing political correctness of the college environment?
Civil Service Collars for all 🙂
I don’t get it. There’s supposed to be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Not a bag of gerbils.
Whatever happened to the perspective of ‘ what other people think is none of my business ‘
Seriously unconscionable!!!
???? Not MO School of Mines!!!!!
I for one could not care less what you think. However I’ve got to tell you. The rest of us think being gay is a disgusting mental illness.
I am not playing this language game with anyone who believes they can change their sex. It is not something I care to do
Thats really disgusting.
You got that right. I’ll keep my parts and you keep yours.
Yes it is. But I need to poke my own eyes out to stop looking.