Thanks to strict gun control measures and “gun free zones” murder is way, way up in New York City, New Orleans, D.C., Baltimore, Chicago and most every other deep blue Democratic city.
Thanks to Hope and Change the Obama “Way Back Machine” has taken us to the bad old days of 1968 when killing was rampant and riots were the norm.
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So long as we are pitted against each other by political affiliation, religion, color, gay/straight or whatever else petty minds can think up, THEY win, we lose.
I can very clearly see a deliberate divide being perpetrated by mainstream media. And guess who controls those puppets?
And this is what liberals want for all cities.
I’m sorry. I deactivate my account a lot. I’m trying not to use Facebook as much!! Too addicting! When I deactivate my comments disappear.
You gotta get all the brainless and illegals to stop voting democrats, its the democrats that arm criminals but prevent legal law abiding people to legaly arm themselves
Just like ISIS!!!
well done democrats
I’m with you Ollie!!!
As it has been said ” When guns are illegal only out laws will have them.