Thanks to strict gun control measures and “gun free zones” murder is way, way up in New York City, New Orleans, D.C., Baltimore, Chicago and most every other deep blue Democratic city.
Thanks to Hope and Change the Obama “Way Back Machine” has taken us to the bad old days of 1968 when killing was rampant and riots were the norm.
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How is that working for you DUH:
They have no reality everything is twilight zone
The proof is right there fool !!!!!
Very good example of what gun control does ,It just makes killing law abiding people soft targets for criminals .
Prisoners in their own City. Thanks Democrats
Just proves to me how well a Democratic run city is working
In my little town most likly 95% of the Population has at least two guns nobody been robbed or shot in twenty two years.
where Obama lived
Give the people guns and police won’t have to work so hard finding the bad guys! Cause they’ll be dead