Thanks to strict gun control measures and “gun free zones” murder is way, way up in New York City, New Orleans, D.C., Baltimore, Chicago and most every other deep blue Democratic city.
Thanks to Hope and Change the Obama “Way Back Machine” has taken us to the bad old days of 1968 when killing was rampant and riots were the norm.
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The more their policies fail they simply talk about something like renaming a sports team. America has become so ignorant they can’t wait to give up their freedom for some Govt. hand out.
Glad you noticed. Change it soon.
wow…this was a long exchange of conversation with someone but all his comments are gone now?
when the bad guys know goodpeople have guns to shoot back there is less crime because they don’t want to die anymore then we do!!!! so guns stop crime not cause more crime
Black lives don’t matter if blacks kill blacks. Obama only cares when cops kill blacks.
do this too…just look into all the cites and states that have been governed by Democrats…Finance? Debt? Crime? Socialists? Marxists? Facisits?
Liberal logic’s blueprint for the country. Another liberal success story.
The first step in a communist takeover is to conviskate the guns.
This what Obama wants for America.
Or International Communists