Thanks to strict gun control measures and “gun free zones” murder is way, way up in New York City, New Orleans, D.C., Baltimore, Chicago and most every other deep blue Democratic city.
Thanks to Hope and Change the Obama “Way Back Machine” has taken us to the bad old days of 1968 when killing was rampant and riots were the norm.
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This country started out with gun violence and it will end with gun violence…
Yes this is terrible they need to buy guns and protect themselves.
@[100000549652692:2048:Craig Ericksen] sad for your city.
Yes gun free for only those law abiding citizens, now only criminals have the guns. Way to go Democrats
Victimocrats. Because victims will follow you thru the gates a of hell to think they will being taken care of.
Why isn’t it HUMAN choice NOT political…? Ignorance is bliss……..
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people. Keep up the good work/
Thanks to Ovomit and all his Democrat friends who don’t give a shot about us or our Police .
I would move !
Totally unconscionable!!!