Thanks to strict gun control measures and “gun free zones” murder is way, way up in New York City, New Orleans, D.C., Baltimore, Chicago and most every other deep blue Democratic city.
Thanks to Hope and Change the Obama “Way Back Machine” has taken us to the bad old days of 1968 when killing was rampant and riots were the norm.
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satan has a cell phone?? wow
….and a pen.
Doing what they do best
Democrat cowards….they are foolish thinking that removing arms from law abiding citizens curves crime. every crime I ever heard of was done by criminals that got guns illegally. Well most.
@[100000490447919:2048:Andrea Creswell].. read this for starters.
I’m aware it is the “high of choice” by many and ..to each his own…but if you are robbing or killing to get your money to get your high on?? Then its not cool…..or if you make your living selling to school kids then again its not cool…its the same as pitbull fighting …. its illegal so those losers need to get a job
Their ER rooms are trianing Medics for WAR ZONES
Crime is bad or crime is good?
Police need more of your tax money and so do our prison systems if crime is low?
There are no more Democrats they all have become Socialists.
and they stain your teeth