Liberal governments are constantly burdened with the task of finding the resources to fund their expensive social programs and government pet projects, but now it seems as if they may finally be considering their final option: printing money out of thin air and redistributing it themselves, metaphorically referred to as “helicopter money.”
Printing money has long been considered a measure of last resort for governments, as it forces inflation, but it seems to be gaining popularity among the world’s most cash-strapped economies.
When you think about it, why wouldn’t it? It puts even more control into the hands of the government. Not only would governments now control how money is allocated to citizens, but it can also fund the government programs that make them more reliant on big brother. As more citizens become more dependent on the services and money that a particular sector of government promises, the more power that sector gains.
It’s a cyclical program that not only enslaves the people, but makes government bigger, more powerful, and inevitably, more corrupt.
To see the means by which governments are beginning to use this so-called “helicopter money” and why experts say the United States could be next, continue reading on the next page:
Take it go out and buy gold and silver right away
That’s fine. Money is man made its a fraud designed for slavery. They can print all they want or not! It’s just paper and ink!
It would only stimulate the economy for a short period of time most would spend it on BS instead of useing for long term , and no doubt headed for the one money world wide market , but still better than bailing out the big busness like odummer did
LOL……I’ll take as much as I can get.
United States Foreign Policy
Rember the story about the cyclone that hit Scrooge McDuck’s money silo? By the end of the story he got it all back again.
“Prove it!” It is written; ‘Man will be held accountable for every word he speaks.’
Instead of the he stimulus plan that did nothing should have gave everyone a million dollar check . problem solved .
They should drop weapons (handguns and loose ammo, machetes, crossbows maybe some spears and maces just for fun) along with the money so the lemmings can take care of the root problem at the same time. Reminds me of that prison movie where the ones that live get a million bucks…anyone remember the name?