Members of the New Black Panthers Party conducted protest march in August of 2015 at the Waller County Jail in Waller, Texas.
Around 15 armed members taunted Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies with various threatening chants, such as “The revelation is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!”
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They smell like a cat box.
The want respect, do you think that this is respectable ? This is the results of a Godless society.. ? and no responsible leader .
Nothing more than a black KKK.
Actually don’t see the Black Panthers any differently than I see the Bloods or the krypt they are criminal gang and they should be dealt with accordingly
They have to be stopped, they are a hate group
Not very smart
I wonder if they can feel the cross hairs on their necks.
14% of the population (blacks) mostly uneducated and unemployed, think they are going to rule?!?!?! They are only going to die like the thugs they are.
If Obama can get this race war kicked off then he can call in marshall law to preserve order. Because it happend on his watch he will have to stay in office and take over everything homes transportation waterways ect. He will then return half the country back to mexico the other half to the indians and blacks back to africa and whites back to europe. So on and so fourth.This will all work out all races back to the place they come from and the science project which was America will be over forever. They tried it for over 200 years and the science project was a fail they say. Because America is still divided and cant seem to get along with each other so back to the natural state as nature intended. Each with there own kind as in balance with nature. I cant believe we all were part of a science project. Now everything changes back to pre America. The communist party takes over and a new world order is put in place. Wake up America the old world is gone and the new world emerges. Hope and change.