Members of the New Black Panthers Party conducted protest march in August of 2015 at the Waller County Jail in Waller, Texas.
Around 15 armed members taunted Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies with various threatening chants, such as “The revelation is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!”
See Video + Pics On Following Page:
the Texan will take of their own. long live Texas!
If you would shoot these protesters on sight this would be over in no time, the longer you let it go the worse it will get
These Black $#%&!@*s are trying to divide black n white. America will not stand for that. America will put these Black $#%&!@*s in their place if need be.
Just remember if you harm one officer you will never be able to have a restful life for as long as you live.
We will find you!
that is so great. we should give them as gifts. they will try them out!
ak47 mow time
I wish you would enough.
Throw their racist butts in jail!!!
start shooting–
Shoot them monkeys