Members of the New Black Panthers Party conducted protest march in August of 2015 at the Waller County Jail in Waller, Texas.
Around 15 armed members taunted Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies with various threatening chants, such as “The revelation is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!”
See Video + Pics On Following Page:
March to jail, all the nutty, hate crimers.
Its a free country.
They can get shot in any state that they want to.
Or poisoned. . .
Where they eating lunch again ?
Shoot me all!
I say if they want to try go for it, we will rally around the police and give them a fight they will wish they never started!
Theybetter be careful because TEXAS wont put up with there c**p.
Black people occupy, in total, 13% of the population. Of those 13% only a small % feels like these a**holes. Listen to Ben Carson and do not let us be divided by Obama & the rest of the dems.
How ma y of these s$#%&!@* have bun permits?
GUN permits! Stupid tablet!!!!!
Thin em out
East LA Esse.