Members of the New Black Panthers Party conducted protest march in August of 2015 at the Waller County Jail in Waller, Texas.
Around 15 armed members taunted Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies with various threatening chants, such as “The revelation is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!”
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What do obozo and sharpton have to say about this? They probably won’t call it domestic terrorism.
Time for a Panther HUNT!
These are just show pieces, they talk about it but do nothing themselves. They are armed and the cops were in front of them but did nothing. They knew they would get slaughtered. They are just trying to provoke the bigger idiots to do it for them. That way they can stay safe.
Black Panthers SUCK…..
These racist jerk should all be thrown in jail !
To me the Black Panthers and the KKK, are the same crazy. When they show up, and I mean either one of them, run their butts out of town !
If it ever comes down to it, I will stand with the law! I would bet these black racist would scatter if a peaceful motorcycle club showed up. Why is it we hear about these news events after they happen? Also, each time an officer is murdered, these groups and high profile people, who promote the killing(s), should be hauled into court to face wrongful death lawsuits! Good thing they DO NOT represent the majority! So, I think all Black Panthers should have a bounty placed on their head…maybe $5?
Disturbing, Very Disturbing
Cops just put out the word. 50 MILLION hunters, armed and loaded ready to destroy your and our enemies@!!!!!!!
I will stand with the cops side by side and defend any of them if I see them in danger and I have the tools to do it with, so bring it and see what happens because all lives matter and you will be defeated!