Members of the New Black Panthers Party conducted protest march in August of 2015 at the Waller County Jail in Waller, Texas.
Around 15 armed members taunted Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies with various threatening chants, such as “The revelation is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!”
See Video + Pics On Following Page:
Hey Blackened Kittens! Let’s have a race war! Winner keep all!
They just need to throw a hand grenade behind them.
Only in the US would they be allowed to do this.
Wish I was in Texas. I got plenty of ammo and $#%&!@*ault rifles.
this is total ignorance, rethink and settle with each other
While world economies collapse, you have a crisis of epic proportions happening all across Europe right now. The community organizer and his minions Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have enabled this migration of muslims into Europe — and the countries there are making their best effort to hold them back but it’s like a tsunami. This is a disturbing video but it must be seen. Too many of us are insulated from world news and focused on things that are meant to keep us from knowing what is happening on a m$#%&!@*ive scale across the ocean. It is happening to us to a lesser degree, but it’s just as dangerous. Borders mean nothing to Muslims, just as police officers and law enforcement means nothing.
Your horde of invaders is being brought to you by your own government and to a degree, to other countries as well. The world will hate our guts forever by the time Obama is done with his destruction.
F.B.I., C.I.A., D.O.J. Why is this allowed??? this is not a Peaceful $#%&!@*embly!!!! BOOK EM DANNO!!!!
Al, the answer is very simple. Do you remember during the last presidential election that the NBPP were standing outside of polling places in several states with clubs and intimidating white voters away from polling stations? Complaints were filed with the FEC and Justice Department (Holder) and ignored. Obama protects the Black Panthers and the media “tones down” coverage to protect both.
If Black Lives Matter then why do they keep killing each other?