Members of the New Black Panthers Party conducted protest march in August of 2015 at the Waller County Jail in Waller, Texas.
Around 15 armed members taunted Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies with various threatening chants, such as “The revelation is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!”
See Video + Pics On Following Page:
Get out of Texas are else be prepared to face the worst….people in Texas have guns in their homes you fools……
This is an Old Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now is when gun control would come in handy.
Where is tear gas when you need it?
Terrorists !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These Jack Wads have openly made Terrorist Treats against American Citizens, why are they not locked up or better yet DEAD?
If youi condone them your as bad as they are Shawn. These guys are pigs
He has nothing to do with this you half wit
These people are so full of hate. They are homegrown terrorists and should be watched.