Members of the New Black Panthers Party conducted protest march in August of 2015 at the Waller County Jail in Waller, Texas.
Around 15 armed members taunted Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies with various threatening chants, such as “The revelation is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!”
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There is a 30 round magazine in the photo . Didn’t liberal outlaw those ?
Martial Law is coming to a city near you. You won’t escape just because of the color of your skin. Obama isn’t your brother! He is a part of the Muslim brotherhood!
Black PAnthers = Amrican Isis!!!!
They need to be shot. That fist in the air is a symbol of communism. They are not Texans and if they don’t watch out they will meet up with a bunch of gentlemen with cowboy hats, boots and rifles who will simply mush them.
that is a reviller training for war.
Obama’s dream come true. Then he can impose marshal law.
They are worse they are muslims.
These are muslims, you know the guys from the religion of peace,
Their chants show what idiots the Black Panthers are which shows they haven’t changed since the
1950’s. They should be arrested for promoting violence and hate against our police officers.
Time for payback