A group that is reported to be composed of 150 militiamen, which includes three of Cliven Bundy’s sons, has taken over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarter in Oregon and plans on using it for years as housing for other patriots to come in from across the US to fight the tyranny perpetrated by the Bureau of Land Management.
This is part of an ongoing situation between the BLM and Hammond ranching family. Hammond family members were scheduled to go to jail for burning their land which bled over into federal land. They were charged as terrorists.
Move on to the next page:
time for revolution
Pray for these guys.
This all makes me so sick, Bummer HAS TO GO ONE WAY OR THE OTHER PEOPLE.
They served time perca criminal trial case with a $400k fine. What this jusge and ag are doingvis goingvback and retrying the punishment phase. There were other considerations for the reduced sentence.
That’s right.
Ubfortunately, it is fight now or lose. Hussein and his foreign army coming in by bus and UPS planes will have time to unify and and avt.
Buy bullets, practice and prepare.
We have a way set up to resolve these issues. It involves voting and speaking with your government representatives. Just because you don’t get what you want does not mean you should break into a building, threatening harm to civil servants who will only be doing there job to arrest you for trespassing or evict you from the building. There is nothing wrong with protesting to exercise your right to free speech and promote your cause. But you should respect the laws like the rest of us. If you don’t like the laws then work in a legal way to change them. I don’t believe most American people will be supportive of you or your cause when you act the way you are acting. I advise you to move out of the occupied building, and protest in a legal manner.
But wouldn’t Obama declare martial law if gun owning Americans matched down go Washington. Acting as if the militia were riots and then Obama gets to keep his place in office. The whole government is crooked so that has a chance of happening but there will be a time when America says that enough and we will fight back!!
People REALLY NEED TO READ this back story. There is alot more going on than people relize.