A group that is reported to be composed of 150 militiamen, which includes three of Cliven Bundy’s sons, has taken over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarter in Oregon and plans on using it for years as housing for other patriots to come in from across the US to fight the tyranny perpetrated by the Bureau of Land Management.
This is part of an ongoing situation between the BLM and Hammond ranching family. Hammond family members were scheduled to go to jail for burning their land which bled over into federal land. They were charged as terrorists.
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Goof for them
This situation isn’t tyranny! I’m a full blown 2nd Amendment advocate a constitutional conservative but what they r doing is playing cowboy! I would put money half of them never served this country! This is going way overboard in my view, I’ll save my fight for something a little more important than this situation!!!!!!
Sons of the west.
It’s funny how you all get pissed of now when it’s white people getting their stolen land stolen from them. Really?! You stood by and watched them steal land, deny rights and ignore truths from native Americans and act surprised when they do it to you? What did you think would happen when you don’t assist your fellow Americans in what’s right and good? Did you think the govt draws the line based on skin color? That you were immune because you were “good ol boys”? No. Injustice to any American whether it be native, black, Mexican or now finally white is a problem for all Americans. But you don’t listen. We have told you and told you.
It’s a wild life preserve, leave nature alone.
The government wants to push it before the election so Obama can institute martial law and there will be no election. ..he will be your king ..
BLM BURNS RANCHES AND DESTROY CATTLE, BUT RANCHERS GET CHARGED WITH TERRORISM http://thewashingtonstandard.com/blm-burns-ranches-and-destroy-cattle-but-ranchers-get-charged-with-terrorism/