A group that is reported to be composed of 150 militiamen, which includes three of Cliven Bundy’s sons, has taken over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarter in Oregon and plans on using it for years as housing for other patriots to come in from across the US to fight the tyranny perpetrated by the Bureau of Land Management.
This is part of an ongoing situation between the BLM and Hammond ranching family. Hammond family members were scheduled to go to jail for burning their land which bled over into federal land. They were charged as terrorists.
Move on to the next page:
Some suggested reading regarding the Oregon standoff….
And I know “there’s plenty of you federal sonsabitches around here.”
“this is a plea for any adults in the room in DC to intervene and use caution before this blows up in all our faces.”
“No Fort Sumters.” To do so would be to surrender the moral high ground….
(If you agree with this declaration, kindly pass it on.)
Mike Vanderboegh, PO Box 926, Pinson AL 35126
Founder, National Three Percent movement.
No, not yet, a secret deal has been struck between farmers and Feds.
Couldn’t agree more…
The BLM and FWS are becoming mafia strong arms and forcing ranchers off of their land by creating hardships so they can confiscate the land… people need to seriously wake up as to what’s going on with our tyrannical over reaching government. Maybe you people would feel differently if the government stole your property. These ranchers are not drug cartel or sex traffickers or Isis beheaders or murders… their livelihood is ranching and cattle need to graze and the ranchers created this wild life refugee to start with through a great irrigation system… what has happened to them is so wrong… Learn the truth!
With what is going on in Oregon this morning ….THIS MAYBE THE STARTING OF THE WAR ….. It is time for direct action and full armed confict with the government that has turned its’ back on its’ people….. buy a weapon and ammo and get ready for war …. and if he conitues he will get more than he ever bargined for….. alot more!!!
Now go take over DC
Are you ready, America. Past time to stand up.
haven’t seen any guns!
All my nfa class 3 stuff is in an “investments trust”. You all should investigate the legal abilities this gives you. Just dont let the libs know about it.
Legal is what people say it is. And laws do kot exist as the giveroment clearly us not following ircenforcibg all the laws. We have tyranny and chaos.
To say repeal a sentence is not the same as pardon.
This action is outrages.