A group that is reported to be composed of 150 militiamen, which includes three of Cliven Bundy’s sons, has taken over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarter in Oregon and plans on using it for years as housing for other patriots to come in from across the US to fight the tyranny perpetrated by the Bureau of Land Management.
This is part of an ongoing situation between the BLM and Hammond ranching family. Hammond family members were scheduled to go to jail for burning their land which bled over into federal land. They were charged as terrorists.
Move on to the next page:
Let it roll, let it roll, let it roll….!
Read the full history shown in a link below. It will blow your mind- totally unjust what has happened to this family. Very BAD !
Because he’s a filthy liberal. Ignorant to truth, and arrogant with emotion.
As far back as 2009 I told people Obama and his minions will ramp up class warfare, us vs them and he will stir up racial animosity. People looked at me funny when I said there will be a race war. They asked me how could I say that when America just elected the 1st African American president. I told them no one knows his background or what he believes in. The media was punch drunk drinking his kool-aid and took him for his word.
It begins
you can blame this all on the thing in the WH!
The feds FLINCH out there this is how they go home. No MERCY like they got at the Bundy Ranch. NO MERCY.
This could happen to anyone in America unless Americans stand up to the abuse.
I am afraid Americas food supply will be turned off or shutdown, this going beyond what we could imagine.