A group that is reported to be composed of 150 militiamen, which includes three of Cliven Bundy’s sons, has taken over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarter in Oregon and plans on using it for years as housing for other patriots to come in from across the US to fight the tyranny perpetrated by the Bureau of Land Management.
This is part of an ongoing situation between the BLM and Hammond ranching family. Hammond family members were scheduled to go to jail for burning their land which bled over into federal land. They were charged as terrorists.
Move on to the next page:
Something smells fishy, very fishy.
You, as in we the people, own all the “government property,” folks. Did any of you actually take civics, read the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers? Such ignorance is mind-blowing.
Another MSM kool-aid drinker
Double Jeopardy!
Is there a “Go Fund Me” page for this group?
Sorry it is going to be a lot more then Waco. Remember the million who rode their bikes to make changes. Remember the truckers who shut down all over America. We are tired of the tyranny government, hell bent on divide and conquer. No we are living 1776 again and even our arm forces are tired of it.