The leader of The New Black Panther Party, Hashim Nzinga, made statements on the New Black Panther Party’s “Black Power Radio,” that amounts to a war cry and outlines the intended violent overthrow of the ‘white controlled’ government.
Nzinga claimed that the Founding Fathers would applaud a declaration of war against the ‘rich and powerful’ in order to fend off the ‘genocide’ of the black nation.
Nzinga states that America has “declared war on us,” which is proven by the presence of “military police in the black neighborhood” which protects the rich.
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You are already killing in dying your own pretty soon you will run out of people to further the cause
Oh please
No Democrat politicians are inflaming racial bias to push a false narrative and these idiots are believing it. Possible there looking for a reason of there own as well.
Then take your$#%&!@*to another country. This is America be part of fixing the problem or leave.
This is why you have gun rights , to be able to defend your family , never give this up !! These bastards will kill you while you sleep !
Your an idiot of the lowest level! Please don’t breed! We already have enough of people like you!
Love your Soros money, don’t you!!!
No dip$#%&!@*you have declared war against us. Don’t blame your b******t on us. Put away your race card and be an American.
Racists! Bigots! Stop this terrorist organization now!