The leader of The New Black Panther Party, Hashim Nzinga, made statements on the New Black Panther Party’s “Black Power Radio,” that amounts to a war cry and outlines the intended violent overthrow of the ‘white controlled’ government.
Nzinga claimed that the Founding Fathers would applaud a declaration of war against the ‘rich and powerful’ in order to fend off the ‘genocide’ of the black nation.
Nzinga states that America has “declared war on us,” which is proven by the presence of “military police in the black neighborhood” which protects the rich.
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You are declaring war on yourselves with your unending racist bull$#%&!@*
Nikkita Hardy You declared war on an education.
Good luck with this attitude
He got it wrong its it’s just. The other way around.. ..the black nation of Islam and it’s black planters want an RACE war in America but want the whites to start it so they can put the blame ON them but so far no such luck….bc the whites do not take the bait
Do you really believe that Liberia will take you in???
Still crying the same old$#%&!@*your a broken record
Just shoot him.
You Will only kill yourself
We Americans have not Declared War on you’re type as of yet !! But if it’s War you’re looking for than bring it on. You do Realize that your out numbered and going against America’s Militia ??