The leader of The New Black Panther Party, Hashim Nzinga, made statements on the New Black Panther Party’s “Black Power Radio,” that amounts to a war cry and outlines the intended violent overthrow of the ‘white controlled’ government.
Nzinga claimed that the Founding Fathers would applaud a declaration of war against the ‘rich and powerful’ in order to fend off the ‘genocide’ of the black nation.
Nzinga states that America has “declared war on us,” which is proven by the presence of “military police in the black neighborhood” which protects the rich.
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We ate at war with Soros
We are at war with Soros
Boo fucking hoo
Why should it be a BLACK nation? You have been babied, coddled and allowed to live off the government for years…what else can you want? If you take over, who will feed and clothe you?
Blah blah blah, not afraid at all.
All of these idiots should be shipped back to Africa where they belong with the rest of the animals
Fred Spicker They don’t get it. Remember the SLA?
Another hate Group
America been declared war on us, this goes deeper than what’s being reported and it’s all legal.
Nikkita Hardy Not if it’s getting people hurt or killed & property destroyed! That’s criminal, unjust, reckless & unnecessary!!! Be grownups!!