“We are on the brink of civil war,” the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI), Patrick Calvar, informed members of a French parliamentary commission recently. As the head of French police, he warned that this pending “civil war” very well could be set off by just one more “major Islamist terror attack” or something akin to the sexual assaults on women in Cologne by immigrants.
There will be a “massive right-wing backlash” should anything like this occur and Calvar believes this confrontation will most certainly take place.
As the rest of Europe also deals with the ramifications of open borders to immigrants, France has faced the harsh realities of terror attacks that have altered the way in which Patrick Calvar must lead in protecting the French citizens. His recognition that sexual assaults have become part of the attack on European culture and values makes it necessary to block these immigrant groups.
Cologne has had reports of more than 100 victims of sexual assault and robbery. “On New Year’s Eve, Cologne became a warzone and the safety, as well as propriety and respect for women, who were celebrating, became none existent as reports of abuse and rape, at the hands of migrants, have been reported in the dozens.”
Berlin now reports similar assaults taking place on the street “in front of the Brandenburg gate”. Berliner Morgenpost reports that in four distinct incidents, groups of “three to five men” from Iraq and Pakistan, have “sexually harassed” by various women. One female reported to the police that she was “‘touched’ at a music event by ‘several immoral men’”.
Read the rest of the story on the following page.
That’s what Soros is working towards! Globalists want chaos and division and constant protests to destroy each country from within, so the Global government can come in and take over! Soros is paying different groups to do the same thing here. He wants the blacks against the whites, the women against the men, the illegals against the citizens, the liberals against the conservatives, the LGBTQ community against the straight community, the religious against the non religious. This is what we are all going through right now in the U.S. and it is making Soros happy! The only wrench thrown in the works that Soros could not predict or control is the election of Trump! Thank-you God for giving us this good, smart, strong man to fight Soros’s evil agenda and save our country!
Force them out while you still out number them. And BTW, please arm your citizens.
The liberal do gooders who invited all those..barbaric Muslim masses in to.their countries..obviosly had not enough brain to see further then the tip of their noses…to envision an backlash of.defastating portions consuming their countries
Haha ha ha stupid frogs
Thank George Soros and his Democrat minions for that!
Should have stood up at election time.$#%&!@*liberals
Liberal policies will destroy any town, city, country and values.
Liberal values are cancer
if Hillary would have been elected this is what our country would have become.