This September, Europe’s Large Hadron Collider will smash together subatomic particles at close to the speed of light, and this has many in both the religious and scientific community very concerned.
With scientists, attempting to recreate the conditions that followed the Big Bang event that many believe gave birth to the universe millions of years ago, leaders in both the religious and scientific communities are concerned for the dangers involved. The repercussions can have devastating effects that have even Stephen Hawking nervous.
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If Hawkins, who’s a genius, is nervous with this then I don’t trust man nor government. Yes, I’m concerned. But only God knows what’s going to happen, if something.
God is in charge.
@[100000628851973:2048:Ryan Kincaid] is this something you talked about before
Shut these idiots down, they have no right to put us all at risk. Even a small risk like this is too much.
What is this supercollider suppose to be used for?
There was no big bang
That’s $#%&!@*uming they exist and if other life forms do exist it’s $#%&!@*uming they’re more intelligent then humans
Might as well. We are destroying earth and humanity anyway.
Yes there was
The number of star systems in this universe is so big we don’t even have a number for this value. In every star system there is are planets. Statistically, the chance that they DON’T exist is so low that it’s impossible. Other life forms exist somewhere out there, and some of them are far more advanced than us. We invented nothing new here. Someone out there in the stars invented it long time before us.