This September, Europe’s Large Hadron Collider will smash together subatomic particles at close to the speed of light, and this has many in both the religious and scientific community very concerned.
With scientists, attempting to recreate the conditions that followed the Big Bang event that many believe gave birth to the universe millions of years ago, leaders in both the religious and scientific communities are concerned for the dangers involved. The repercussions can have devastating effects that have even Stephen Hawking nervous.
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You trust man,where have you been,look around you,the world is in chaos
Ergo, Man is God in your little soliloquy.
And if you need to figure out that last word, let me help:
Sorry, I trust Stephen Hawking’s word over some self proclaimed Facebook poster!
If it can some idiot will get a hold if it and of it .
You won’t see or feel anything, it will be an instantaneous death.
I just wonder if an advanced alien civilization for out that we discovered a particle that could destroy the universe? What would happen to us then?
i agree Anthiny
Only God can Destroyed it.
never happen. Wake up people. The god that6 created the universe will never losr control!