This September, Europe’s Large Hadron Collider will smash together subatomic particles at close to the speed of light, and this has many in both the religious and scientific community very concerned.
With scientists, attempting to recreate the conditions that followed the Big Bang event that many believe gave birth to the universe millions of years ago, leaders in both the religious and scientific communities are concerned for the dangers involved. The repercussions can have devastating effects that have even Stephen Hawking nervous.
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….and will the controller of this do a big slow deep laugh while pushing the big red button from a secrete lair? All while the Christian sheep request $#%&!@*istance from their imaginary friend instead of taking action themselves?
Nope. I’m betting that there is at least another millinium of the earths existence left. Stephan Hawkings intellect is so full of pride, he ignores the word of God, and it’s astounding truth. Read Romans chapter one, and see where he’s coming from.
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yea!!! more ignorant fear mongering for the m$#%&!@*es.Even if they succeeded in creating a big bang it would be micro bang.Crashing two ions into each other would not have the m$#%&!@* nor the energy to sustain a “big bang” lasting more than a few nano-seconds at most. So quit worrying and pick up a college physics book some time.
There is a song about that. ” the end of the world as we know it?
Good, then hashem can start over.
And these toolshed a could be completely wrong and fishing for more grant money….
Now you tell me who needs more “faith” to explain their version of events, the “scientist” or the creationist.
I do believe that the good doctor has finally blown his cork!