This September, Europe’s Large Hadron Collider will smash together subatomic particles at close to the speed of light, and this has many in both the religious and scientific community very concerned.
With scientists, attempting to recreate the conditions that followed the Big Bang event that many believe gave birth to the universe millions of years ago, leaders in both the religious and scientific communities are concerned for the dangers involved. The repercussions can have devastating effects that have even Stephen Hawking nervous.
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Ye, read that book written by goat herders son, they knew the real meaning of life.
Not as bad as Obummer
Well there is this thing called Science, maybe more specifically Physics and all Scientists are also mathematicians and all are also human, subject to error! Please tell me that none of the Scientists are also Demoncraps! Like some of the respondents above!
Wisdom of man is foolishness to God
Solid and unwavering ? Guilty !
God the son and the Holy spirt are supposed to all be one so therefore if we were made in God’s image we would therefore be the holy spirt we all have the potential to do godly things it also puts into perspective that if God causes the end man causes the end therefore stand up take back your world from the corrupt greedy few and become part of the whole
Self proclaimed? Bwa hahahahahahahahaha! What a dip$#%&!@*!
Anyone know what date and time they will do this? Just checking to see if this will be “the day that the earth stood still”.
Didn’t. I see this episode on Bugs Bunny vs. Marvin the Martian?
And it will one day
By Fire !!!!