This September, Europe’s Large Hadron Collider will smash together subatomic particles at close to the speed of light, and this has many in both the religious and scientific community very concerned.
With scientists, attempting to recreate the conditions that followed the Big Bang event that many believe gave birth to the universe millions of years ago, leaders in both the religious and scientific communities are concerned for the dangers involved. The repercussions can have devastating effects that have even Stephen Hawking nervous.
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If I believed everything came from nothing all by itself I might be concerned.
They need to deactivate this machine … they know what will happen … it is a destructive …if they want to place it in action, they should launch the thing into the stars where they can watch it happen …DUMMIES !!!
Well that would be a timely event…I hope we have a 24 notice so we can party!
The opening of the abyss.
Don’t you remember Atlantis? Advanced civilization that no longer exists
What can go wrong?
God is able to keep that which I have committed unto him, and that includes the universe.
Please aim it at the WH.
@[524172404:2048:Christina Mahurin]