Gun owners are facing another serious challenge to their Second Amendment rights in the state of Hawaii.
The State Legislature introduced a bill on Wednesday that would increase the requirements Hawaiians would have to meet to continuing possessing a firearm. Specifically, it will mandate that gun owners register their weapons every five years and purchase firearms liability insurance for them.
The requirement to purchase gun insurance is a radical new practice that has yet to be implemented in even the most anti-gun states. Of course, this aspect of the bill is minimized by it’s sponsor, State Senator Josh Green (D-Kona, Ka’u).
“I don’t want to take people’s guns away from them but I want people to take full responsibility,” Senator Green said. How typical of a Democrat to say nobody’s going to take their guns away from them before proposing a course of action that does just that.
But Green doesn’t see it that way. Rather, he sees it in a way that very few Americans do.
Turn to the next page to see what Green compares mandatory gun insurance to:
How many times have people had to rise up against their gov and use arms as force in the modern world after laws and regulations? Who needs an automatic assault riffle for home defense with a couple hundred shot clip? Seriously. Can’t hit them in 3 shots or less it doesn’t matter what kind of gun you have, your done. The gun topic has gotten ridiculous and the reaction some people have to just talking about it borders on mass paranoia. Canada has much stricter gun laws to the USA. There is tons of high powered guns in Canada that will take down a 1500lb animal in 1 shot. Yet little gun violence and accidental shootings. Odd? Canadians can own as many of these guns as they wish. Fill your cellar to the brim if you wish. It’s obviously not the guns, the amount of guns people own or the power of the gun per shot. It’s accessibility, the amount of shots per round, and education on using and storing firearms that is. I can’t believe people would have an issue with changing one tiny thing that doesn’t take away any freedoms to save a kids life in the future.
What part of “Shall Not Be Infringed” have they missed!
Recall that$#%&!@*and dont give in and buy anything
Wtf is next a law on what color we can$#%&!@*!
Traitors all of them !!!!!!
Shall not be infringed.
Not Legal. Next!
forcing and free don’t sound like they belong together
What guns?
Let’s just keep it simple. Most countries love to chant “death to America”. Many in our own government want many of us dead. And many citizrns within our country want many of us dead. And none of them obey any laws including the ones in the government!! And they aren’t planning on using muzzle loaders! But whoever disagrees with what I’m saying hasn’t done their own research and hasn’t played attention to all that’s been set up into place. So everyone has the right to their own opinion, but that’s as far as it goes, opinion! I’m not bringing a 6 shooter to a machine gun fight! And as far as free speech goes, the system can kiss off with unconstitutional laws of it too. They promote hatred of Christians and they promote hatred of white people. And they promote ideocracy of criminals being the victims. No one, and I mean no one can take away another’s right to self defense and to protect their property by any and all means necessary! If they wanted gun safety they would have went after the gangbangers across the bad areas of the country. If they wanted affordable healthcare then they would have done something about the extremely overpriced health system, not force everyone a tax to breathe air! What is wrong with over half the people in this country. Wake up!! This isn’t just a typical currupt system, it is fully infiltrated!! What the heck makes so many people think America is so special that it could never happen to us!!!!!?? Do your own research and quit relying on the paid off and/or silenced media!!!! And isn’t it funny how no one knows and no one has been allowed to audit the federal reserve banking system? No one knows who all owns it???? I’ll tell you who, terrorists that’s who!!!!!! That’s how they’ve managed to heavily work their way into all these countries and all the systems! Some people think its the jews, well the Jewish wouldn’t fund all the terrorist islamics to set up in all parts of the world, so the Jews are ruled out. The only ones dumb enough to help the terrorists for their own profits would be select white elites who have no problems selling their soul for a dollar! Kind of as stupid as selling an enemy a nuke that would blow our whole country up for a few bucks, yet too stupid to realize they will be blown up too!!!!! Anyone who trusts our system, why don’t you ask the system why they don’t raid and shut down many FBI known terrorist camps spread out across America!! Why don’t you go on vacation into islamburg in New York. Why don’t you ask them why do other countries declare “CAIRS” Muslim group here as a terrorist organization yet we promote them. Why does our FDA approve foods that are banned in many other countries? Why did we build so many more FEMA camps while we were/are in a deep recession that are built and fenced in like fortresses. There is a million why why why’s , but it kind of gets exhausting trying to wake up a crowd of zombies! But here’s one more little piece of this evil puzzle, why did so many natural health drs die in a very short period of time when they may have came across a breakthrough to cure cancers, autism, aids etc… That sure would’ve helped healthcare but not very good for the health industry huh? Andany many other bundles of mysterious coincidental deaths have been going too. And anyone who likes to say president bush this and that …. Well yeah him and Clinton before him were in on what’s going on too!! And I’m sure many before them! This has been a long strategized evil chess game, and many many white elite ideotic pawns were part of the process! And I sure hope you all research Trump too. His views on everything seemed to be complete opposite until around 2012 or so!! And he was a democrat for many years. Believing empty words and empty promises may be a very deathly thing in this day and age!!! He was pro-obama doing a great job, pro-hillary to become president, pro-immigration, pro anti-gun, and he’s pro healthcare for all. I personally thought he sounded great at first and sounded like he said things with passion, but he is a very good businessman which makes him a very skilled actor to seal the deals. So like everyone should do, I researched him instead of falling for the same old lies all these candidates tell just to get elected!!!! Now I’m convinced he is a back up plan for what’s been going on!!!!! Ben Carson is the only one I halfway trust. anyways, good luck all. Pray and prepare because the future doesn’t look good!! Please start taking some time out to research what’s been going on, and research all these candidates somewhat recent pasts for yourselves before you vote! And democrat voters, you really need to research your beloved Messiah president Hussein, because you have absolutely no idea of your support for an “off with the head” movement!!! May God have mercy on us all!!!