Louis Farrakhan needs to leave the United States of America. If he hates this country and all the white citizens who live here, then it is time for him to pack his bags and find a place more in line with his radical Islamic beliefs.
The fact that he hasn’t been declared a terrorist and taken out of society boggles the mind. Calling for an army of 10,000 to kill police and white people warrants such a declaration…does it not? It’s understandable kindred spirit Barack Obama let this guy slide, but now we have Donald Trump in office. We are well past time to handle such instigators of violence. After all, it’s the law!
Incredibly, Fox News is airing Farrakhan’s “Message to America” on a special July 4th program, our Independence day this year.
Check out Farrakhan’s incendiary speech called for the 10,000 men to “kill those who kill us” on the next page
Read more on page 2:
Good luck ; )
why is this hatefull farrakhan not in prison for treason against america and her people?????https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLPESWWPUJE
I hope whites do the same . Take out Farrakhan Sharpton,the NAACP and the black caucas . They want Racism its time to give it too them. Ithink the white working class should not pay there taxes. And stop working for about a month. Take up arms and when they riot cut them down any way they can.Let the blacks donate to black charities and white donate to white charities. With the attitude I see lately I will never vote for or hire a brown skinned person. The hell with them.
How is this pos still just walking around
Domestic terrorists that needs to be stopped inciting violence is wrong but then again freezing his money is the only way to stop hot hate air. Follow the money and the actions that are called for .Make him pay for his evil.
10,000. That would last about a minute and a half.
bring it on u racist MF
And he has just enough idiot brainwashed followers to attempt it