Louis Farrakhan needs to leave the United States of America. If he hates this country and all the white citizens who live here, then it is time for him to pack his bags and find a place more in line with his radical Islamic beliefs.
The fact that he hasn’t been declared a terrorist and taken out of society boggles the mind. Calling for an army of 10,000 to kill police and white people warrants such a declaration…does it not? It’s understandable kindred spirit Barack Obama let this guy slide, but now we have Donald Trump in office. We are well past time to handle such instigators of violence. After all, it’s the law!
Incredibly, Fox News is airing Farrakhan’s “Message to America” on a special July 4th program, our Independence day this year.
Check out Farrakhan’s incendiary speech called for the 10,000 men to “kill those who kill us” on the next page
Read more on page 2:
I don’t need 10
I just need my gun son of beach
This type of extreme racism is what a lot of whites have fought against and died for but nothing said by blacks because it was for them! If the hate whites so much let them move to an all Black Country. They will probably end up just killing them selves
He’s been calling for that for years. So far, no takers.
this man is totally nut for he wants a war to kill white people that has never done any thing to black. They are as afraid as the south the then war between that state broke out they are the same but he dose not want to say so blame all other for the way he is.
Typical media use of “old” news to try to incite reaction. This “call” was made on August 5, 2015. Nothing was done about it them because he was protected by the Administration then in power. It should have been acted on at that time because it is a “Terrorist Threat” against THIS COUNTRY, not just a “Black vs White” threat.
Sounds like insurrection. Put it down!
Did he just threaten the American people and our government
ain’t gonna happen,talkin’ loud,,,,,and sayin’ nuthin’.