In the wake of the recent shootings at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, which left nine dead, there’s been a revival in the call for gun control and outright ban. The liberal media has been using the event to garner support for their cause.
However, according to an overlooked Harvard University study from 2007, gun control as a means to quell violence is a bad idea.
The data in the article shows that nations with strict gun control measures tend to have a much higher murder and crime rate than nations that allow guns. The study pulls mostly from data taken from the Centers for Disease Control, U.S. National Academy of Science and the United National International Study on Firearms Regulation.
Go to the next page to read more about the study.
Whys say you?
2nd. Ammendment was made for a reason.
gotta read MORE GUNS LESS CRIME…. shows how libs use improper grouping to prove their incorrect facts.
“It’s not gun legislation, it’s anti-Second Amendment legislation,”
just look at Chicago Houston , Washington DC Miami, Detroit. Strict gun Control and Oh Yes Democratic Mayors.
How can that be! I thought all our colleges were filled with liberals.
Russia is proof , they have no guns but have more murders than the U.S.. They just stab each other to death !
What you think Chris Mroz Johnson! Prety solid proof!
First of all: the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy is (a student run journal devoted to conservative and libertarian legal scholarship[38]) Try showing me some unbiased sources. And “The Harvard Injury Control Research Center, part of the Harvard School of Public Health, found that “The rate of gun homicide, and the total homicide rate was significantly correlated with levels of gun ownership”, and that this also held across high-income nations and across states. ” There’s a whole load of arguments on both sides of the debate:
Can’t fix stupid, all one can due is stock and ignore!