We’re less than a month away from Donald Trump being sworn in as president of the United States, but some in the GOP are plotting to stab him in the back before that can happen.
During the Republican primary, we were told that Trump couldn’t be trusted because he would leave the party and refuse to endorse its candidate should he not get the nomination. Yet once he took the primary by storm and earned the GOP nod, party insiders began directing members to subvert his campaign for the presidency, even at the risk of handing the White House over to Hillary Clinton.
The result of this is Republican electors breaking their pledge to support the party nominee and actively planning to not cast their final votes for Trump. And lest you think this is only a small group of electors we’re talking about, you’ve got another thing coming.
Read more on the next page:
We believe in God our Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless the Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ, Gods only son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. Then after three days arose from the dead to live forever.
Heavenly Father, within the powers and strength of your gracious will within the knowledge and understandings of your Holy Spirit, thank you for Mr. Donald Trump, all those that work with Mr. Trump, his families and supporting friends. Thank you for protecting them from harm and giving them the desires to do and be that you would have them be and do within the moments in time. We so dearly love You, need You, patiently seeking your face, our Rock, our Fortress and our deliverer; O’ God, our strength in whom we trust, the foundation of our faith, our buckler and the horn of our salvations, our high tower and our refuge, our savior and creator of all things, our Father. amen
I think some electors are going to be in for a very big surprise if they turn. And They better watch out for all they know
…..professor is a traitor of the highest degree !!!
Not a soul will give credence to the voting of a “fixed” group like this one certainly is!
And there’s 62 million people ready to turn on those 20 electors
I don’t listen to any of them any more. If their mouths are open they are lying period.
As usual, this Harvard p***k has no idea what he’s talking about.
then they are TRAITORS!!!’