Conservatives are the losers and must be treated as such, according to Marxist Mark Tushnet, Harvard law professor. In an online post, called “Abandoning Defensive Crouch Liberal Constitutionalism,” he made the argument that the Left has won the cultural war and that the losers must be treated as such. He compared the Left to the allies of World War II and said that conservative Christians should be treated the same way Japan and Germany were after the war.
So confident is Tushnet in his victory, that he reckons the main issue at the moment has nothing to do with military strategy, but rather how to mop up the mess and deal with the “losers” of the culture wars—America’s conservatives.
“For liberals,” Tushnet writes, “the question now is how to deal with the losers in the culture wars. That’s mostly a question of tactics. My own judgment is that taking a hard line (‘You lost, live with it’) is better than trying to accommodate the losers.”
“Trying to be nice to the losers didn’t work well after the Civil War, nor after Brown,” he notes, whereas “taking a hard line seemed to work reasonably well in Germany and Japan after 1945.”
The losers of the culture war, according to Tushnet, are Evangelical Christians, Roman Catholics, and Orthodox Jews. Ryan Anderson, commentator and author, made the observation that Tushnet has lumped these religious losers as the “equivalent of racists and Nazis”.
“Tushnet blames what he calls the ‘culture wars’ on conservatives, and he says liberals should now make conservatives pay,” Ryan adds.
This far left delusion, should it take hold, would indeed destroy America, turning her into a communist regime and punishing Christians and Jews alike for their moral stance on life and culture.
Tushnet argues that “when specific battles in the culture wars were being fought, it might have made sense to try to be accommodating after a local victory, because other related fights were going on, and a hard line might have stiffened the opposition in those fights. But the war’s over, and we won,” he asserts.
This means jettisoning even erstwhile allies who may have been useful for a while, but are no longer needed. Tushnet sums this up rather neatly in his pithy phrase: “fuck Anthony Kennedy.”
Tushnet and his radical leftist company will rid themselves of all who do not fit into their revolutionary vision for America. In his view, even Ginsburg is not leftist enough.
He goes so far as to suggest that liberal justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not liberal enough, since she has occasionally been cowed into a defensive position “in her sensitivity to the possibility of backlash.”
Breitbart responds to this lunacy with this observation:
As much as he crows of having won, his words betray the insecurity of someone who knows he will die before he ever really sees the complete liberal triumph that he dreams of.
One of the oldest tricks in combat is the bluff of declaring yourself the victor, in the hope that your adversary will concede a loss.
That is not going to happen. By their very nature, conservatives invest in the long game, while Tushnet and his ilk seem to be in a terrible hurry. Yes, conservatives have lost precious ground, but the war is far from over.
Source: Breitbart
He will have to answer to God Almighty. It won’t end well for him.
They really don’t understand the level of commitment from the conservatives to defend this Country. We sat peacefully by the last decade but will not do so moving forward. Whatever it takes to defend our Country and Constitution we are prepared to do.
And folks pay to send their children to this establishment
Assholes like this guy should be treated like a terrorist and shot.
The likes of this piece of human trash is what is wrong with our USA