Harry Reid has too many lies out there to keep them all straight.
Watch these 2 videos, one where he lies about the “Obamacare horror stories’ cited by Republicans, then the the other where he claims he never called those claims lies. The first video was just one short month ago.
Video 1: Reid’s first lie
Video 2: Reid’s lies about his lies
Com on Nevada ! You can do better than this halfwit !
Did he escape from the psych ward again?
what a moron the biggest lier besides obozo on the hill well him and ms frankenstien from calli polozis just to stupid i think she believes what she says otherwise shes just as bad as the rest of the communist dems the coch brothers are great patriots
Pathological liar just like Obama is.
He should be forced to retire this guy has dementia!!
Term Limits For Congress Poster Boy
evil attracts evil and look at those surrounding obama.
give him a BRAIN then make him listen to his own b.s. and he would surely quit and go home