Democrats will stop at nothing to overburden the American economy and swamp the nation with illegal immigrants who they hope will be given amnesty and then become dependable Democrat voters. Recent elections have actually shown that the nation has become wary of liberal Democrat politicians, and the expanding base of Republican members of the House and Senate, not to mention the majority of Republican governors, has the Democrat party scrambling for a solution.
Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid, along with Senator Richard Durbin, Senator Patty Murray, Senator Patrick Leahy, and Senator Robert Menendez, all extraordinarily liberal in their political orientation, have devised a new plan to help pad the roles with new Democrat voters. They are using typical liberal spin with a bill that incorporates words like “fair” and “kids.” It is anything but that, and they are cynical opportunists of the worst stripe.
Read about the proposed bill, page 2:
Another congressmanl way toooo
old to be in office and been in office way tooooo long. One of the oldage millionaires.
Give them everything we have – and then we’ll all live on the streets with them!
Term limits.
Why doesn’t he pay out of his own pocket. He is plenty rich with all the money he has taken.
H R Needs to vacate Washington..
He’s gone completely over the deep end! Time to go home and rest.
These dems hates America…
this is how far the corruption goes
I hate this scumbag! He needs to be exposed for his law breaking bullshi! In Neveda! Worst human ever!
Of course he does,