Watch Reid’s despicable response to the reporter’s question:
“What difference does it make?”
How typical of this arrogant elitist. What he really means is, the rest of the Senate and all of Congress couldn’t stop Obama from breaking the law and acting on his own anyway, so why share the information with you peasants?”
Checkout his appalling performance in the video below. Who voted for this guy?
When are they going to put him in a home.
because he is a traitor just like obams and he has also committed treason against the USA.
Because he didn’t. Notice his lips moved which we now know that is a sure fact he is lying.
Evil senille old fart. Go to the nursing home where you belong reid.
Whose got your back? Guess who is in someone’s back pocket…
To begin with he was not the one to be notified he seems to think he is more important then he really is. He is no better then the bigot birds of a feather flock together, all liars have a lot in common.
We will do a happy dance when we kick your ass out of office.
Maybe because he &. Barry are both in it for the power and the money
I. Hope when the republicans are in power they reverse every corrupt thing this mob has done.
evil man