Watch Reid’s despicable response to the reporter’s question:
“What difference does it make?”
How typical of this arrogant elitist. What he really means is, the rest of the Senate and all of Congress couldn’t stop Obama from breaking the law and acting on his own anyway, so why share the information with you peasants?”
Checkout his appalling performance in the video below. Who voted for this guy?
Because he’s a wit-less worm
He’s just as despicable as Obama.
That old varmit. In the animal world, you know he would show as a rat.
The Koch brothers told him
He didn’t , he’s trying to protect Obama
cause he a crook to
He’s a liar! Hell?! He lies even when he ain’t got too! Obviously trying to remain relevant, cause he’s a nobody. And also trying to defend Odumba, cause he’s his boy toy!
in bed with obama
Because he is sleeping with ovomit.