Watch Reid’s despicable response to the reporter’s question:
“What difference does it make?”
How typical of this arrogant elitist. What he really means is, the rest of the Senate and all of Congress couldn’t stop Obama from breaking the law and acting on his own anyway, so why share the information with you peasants?”
Checkout his appalling performance in the video below. Who voted for this guy?
time to get the tar and feathers and head to Washington..
Because he is Obama’s bitch.
Harry. After you pass on, please try and contact us through a psychic and let us know how you’re enjoying hell
because he’s a traitor to they’ve gone as low as any human can go trying to protect each other asses how’s that working for you
stupid little puke…die allready!
Because he is a brown noser and not a representative of We The People.
His butt buddy.
He is such a nasty piece of $#%&!@*! What difference does it make?! Getting rid of Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boehner, Clinton and obama would make all the difference in the world for starters. What difference does it make….seems to have become the national slogan for the Democrats.
No video just a big blank spot where it should be.. Hmm. I can usually watch other videos.