Watch Reid’s despicable response to the reporter’s question:
“What difference does it make?”
How typical of this arrogant elitist. What he really means is, the rest of the Senate and all of Congress couldn’t stop Obama from breaking the law and acting on his own anyway, so why share the information with you peasants?”
Checkout his appalling performance in the video below. Who voted for this guy?
Reid is an enemy of the American people
I really dislike this guy- a genuine moron!
because his greedy ass will back Obama with any vent that will help himself.
This old man needs to shut his mouth & retire.
because crooks of a feather flock together?
He is a disgrace to and for America. When it comes time for the next election that Reid is in, I hope the people of Nevada wake up and vote him out of office!
They knew it would take that pump handle this long to read it;(
What a little WORM . Him ,and the rest of the minions NEED TO GO !.
I’ll bet he didn’t know till after just like everyone else he is just lying for the g******n muslim again,$#%&!@*.