Speaking in the Senate today, Harry Reid blamed the Koch brothers for spreading lies about ObamaCare. He declared, “Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told. All of them are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.”
“We heard about the evils of Obamacare, about the lives it’s ruining in Republicans’ stump speeches and in ads paid for by oil magnates, the Koch brothers. But in those tales, turned out to be just that: tales, stories made up from whole cloth, lies distorted by the Republicans to grab headlines or make political advertisements. “Mr. President, these two brothers are trying to buy America. They not only funnel money through their Americans for Prosperity, they funnel money into all kinds of organizations to do the same thing that they’re doing. They’re trying to buy America. I don’t believe america is for sale. We’ll see, Mr. President.” Source: Weekly Standard Photo: Talk Radio News Service on Flickr Photo: “The leukemia patient whose insurance policy was canceled [and] could die without her medication, Mr. President, that’s an ad being paid for by two billionaire brothers. It’s absolutely false. Or the woman whose insurance policy went up $700 a month–ads paid for around America by the multibillionaire Koch brothers, and the ad is false.
He is nothing less than a total moron and idiot!!!!!
Just remember all of these democrat $#%&!@*s in Nov.
Our story it’s true.
Well harry sign up if you dare u pos you and your leader need to work with congress instead of blocking them and then blacken them then saying they won’t do anything to help pos oblamea
Is Harry Reid signed up for ObamaCare?
My premium has gone up $70 a month. My deductible over $2000, and all for less coverage and a confusing plan that has more regulations and restrictions than before. And If I don’t want healthcare (because I am a healthy young man who eats,diets, and exercises well), now Obama and his IRS cronies can take the money directly from my bank account. Once again my generation which is already struggling with ridiculous inflation, debt, and student loans, is getting the shaft. But according to Harry Reid I must be lying, none of this “horror story” I am telling could be true! This is Obama’s fascist America folks, yeah, he’s changing us all right.
He doesn’t want to admit that they Screwed the American people once again and he was part of the problem.
If it is sooooo great, why did Reid get an exemption ???????
Just get rid of Harry. He is another big liar himself.