Hard to tell if the Democrats are dumb or just trying everything they can to discredit Donald Trump. Trump could very well end up being our next president, but Harry Reid, former Democrat Senate leader and someone who should actually be sharing a jail cell with Hillary Clinton has suggested that it is too dangerous for the CIA and other intelligence agencies to share information with Trump. Reid suggests that the agencies lie to Trump, something that the Democrats, particularly Hillary, know a great deal about.
Additionally, Reid walks a fine line when he says it is dangerous to give information to Trump, knowing that Hillary was just given a get-out- of-jail-free card for exposing top secret documents and information to who knows who using her illegal private email server while Secretary of State.
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Let get rid of Harry Reid.
Anyone wonder why DC operates as it does? We have anti-Americans in DC who are there for themselves and do not represent anyone else!
You need to be hit up beside your dumb$#%&!@*head…
Vote Trump and clean up the DC PIG PEN.
What world does Reid live him. Kick Reid out of office
Dirty Harry is getting senile!
Hey Nevada residents, do the rest of us a favor and quit voting for this dumb A$$
He needs to be put down a level or two! Go President Trump!
What a sweetheart. Lying little twerp.
This is another one of the old crooked,corrupt,greedy,self centered carrier assholes who should be thrown out.He along with a lot of other long term politicians think they own the air we breath.