Harry Reid is serving his last few months as a United States Senator, but he’s not interested in making a graceful exit. Instead, he’s attacking Donald Trump in ways so illogical even he should be embarrassed.
Attacking Republicans is nothing new for Harry Reid — He’s basically made a career out of vilifying his peers on the right. Throughout his senate career, the Nevada Senator seemed more interested in making Republicans look bad than accomplishing any of his own’ party’s agenda.
The argument that Democrats don’t care about minorities for any reason other than their vote basically originates from Harry Reid. He attaches “minority-friendly” amendments to bills that already doomed-to-fail, then demonized Republicans for it’s failure. For instance, several years ago, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell had enough votes to pass through the senate with bipartisan support. Instead of filing it as a standalone piece of legislation, Reid attached it to a defense spending bill that had no Republican support. It failed, and Reid blamed the Republicans. He utilized a similar tactic for the DREAM Act.
So it should come as no surprise that Reid is once again demonizing Republicans for a problem the left created. See his latest attack against Trump and the GOP on the next page:
This man is a traitor
He is evil
Go to your old folks HOME &$#%&!@*your pants
Harry what dream world do you come from, over the hill club.
Demo’s are to blame because they can’t pull the big boy pullups on and grow up….
You Old man why don’t you go home and play with your Grand Kids, you may keep up with them
This delusional Traitor has no idea what’s going on isn’t it time for him to retire? Better yet hopefully he’ll be arrested for treason like the rest of his cronies in the government. POS.
Screw you Harry
Harry Reid …Hillary Clinton and George Soros are responsible for all the paid rioting going on…Not Trump !
Harry Reid is such a$#%&!@* you are not right Harry.