According to entertainer Harry Belafonte, all right-wing voters are racist. First of all, Belafonte hasn’t exactly been relevant since the ’60s. Because of his recent endorsement of Bernie Sanders, the media has suddenly remembered he exists. In a recent interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, he said that the election of President Obama shocked a lot of racist forces in this country, and by racist, he meant anybody who did not vote for him.
From that comment, Belafonte went on to say the “right-wing movement” in America has gerrymandered voting districts and once again put black people at the doorstep, creating new racist definitions and practices. He ten claimed that what was achieved in the Civil Rights Movement has now been reversed.
Belafonte was a part of the original Civil Rights Movement and a friend of Martin Luther King Jr. The Civil Rights Movement hasn’t been reversed, it’s been steamrolled and formed into something void of any remnants of Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks. Instead of equality, it’s become a movement for superiority.
Read a piece of Belafonte’s interview on the next page.
Hey dumb$#%&!@*Obama is not the first black president he is half white. He is the first Muslim president and a pos.
The Liberal-Democrats were the slave Owners, KKK, and his Kenyan family sold their countryman to the Southern plantation owners. The Planned Parenthood founder had the goal to reduce the “Black Population”.
Belafonte is irrelevant
The greatest trick in mankind is when the devil convinces someone that he doesn’t exist. There always be a certain group of white people that will always deny that they are racist and also racism doesn’t exist. To say that this president started or create a platform is pure lunacy. The racism was so strong that he was forced to give a speech on it. The flyers with him as a monkey eating watermelon was every where. There were billboard advertising purchased just to say racist things. What the hell is wrong with people? He set us back 60 years? That’s like saying he is responsible for over the years slaves were held in captivity. Just him joining the race turned citizens against each other. No what he did was run for office as any legal citizen has the right to do. This is what is possible people off. How dare he? Who do he think he is? Some of these comments are just plain ridiculous. It’s easy to sit your$#%&!@*behind a keyboard and point fingers at him never mind the fingers that are pointed back at you. If you don’t like what is going on with the country do what he did, get off your$#%&!@*and run for office. Now he’s responsible for people turning against the police?! The police is responsible for what is taking place now. There are some police officers that has been murdering and brutalizing people for years with any consequences. He isn’t recording the videos that you see daily on social media as well as new stations across the country. But like I said there some people who don’t give a$#%&!@*about something that is called facts and the truth. So to be honest it’s really an agree to disagree situation UNTIL it affect their lives then and only then will it become an issue. Then what really gets me is when you have some people try that Jedi mind trick bullshighitty of saying he’s not for black people, he doesn’t do anything for them. For these people I say this SHUT THE HELL UP. The trick has been played since the slaves got off the ship. It’s a known fact that the white people has created a system that continues to divide my race. House slave against the field slaves. The black on black crime that’s occurring today is mainly built on the economic situation in the urban neighborhood. Give people jobs that they can survive on and then people won’t have to resort to a n any means mindset to provide for their family. There’s no investment in the community, now don’t get me wrong I am for if you break the law you go to jail. But how are they going to survive without jobs. There’s no investment in the urban school. The system is set up to go against the poor point blank period.
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