According to entertainer Harry Belafonte, all right-wing voters are racist. First of all, Belafonte hasn’t exactly been relevant since the ’60s. Because of his recent endorsement of Bernie Sanders, the media has suddenly remembered he exists. In a recent interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, he said that the election of President Obama shocked a lot of racist forces in this country, and by racist, he meant anybody who did not vote for him.
From that comment, Belafonte went on to say the “right-wing movement” in America has gerrymandered voting districts and once again put black people at the doorstep, creating new racist definitions and practices. He ten claimed that what was achieved in the Civil Rights Movement has now been reversed.
Belafonte was a part of the original Civil Rights Movement and a friend of Martin Luther King Jr. The Civil Rights Movement hasn’t been reversed, it’s been steamrolled and formed into something void of any remnants of Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks. Instead of equality, it’s become a movement for superiority.
Read a piece of Belafonte’s interview on the next page.
everybody blames the right wing, but the truth is that the president is a POS. It is not because he is black. the only thing about him being black, is that with the c**p he is doing, he would have been impeached a long time ago.
I dont know what to call these people that just don’t get it, maybe democrat??
More like Obama set back race relations because of Obama.
Blah…blah.. More b******t racist blabber from…..a nobody. Sick of this racist banter!.#… Time for all whites to start being racist. You want to see racist?….let’s show them racist.
Wtf!! Never happy and always blame blame take No responsibility for anything!!!
He can say what he pleases, but we all know that Obama and the left created this situation! Smh!
Your pos president and his followers have you dumbass
We are all of but one race,….human, just different colors.
What the hell kind of nonsense is that? The right wing didn’t elect the black idiot.