Happy Beheader Discovered in Europe He was a beheader in the Middle East. As you can tell from the photos, he was fond of the ladies. Well, now he is in Europe; one of the poor unfortunate souls seeking safe haven. He could even come the the states, courtesy of Obama. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Share 645 Comments « Older Comments Andy Demos SATAN HIMSELF. Reply Kevin Newcomb SCUMBAG !!!!!!!!! Reply Joseph Gibson Please just give me 2 minutes in a closed room with this wacko! I’d get his attention REAL F’ing quick…. Reply Louise Singer that is the type of people in the ISIS and other groups sorry for woman hoe he gets his comeupence Reply Mike Nance maybe one of the ones coming here, thanks Obama Reply Maria Tropea bastardo uccideteli tutti sti incivili bastardi. Reply Maria Tropea io ho paura della guerra e di questa gente. Reply Marie Davidson Demonic Reply Jim Herron Bacon fat and blood coated bullets. Reply « Older Comments Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
SCUMBAG !!!!!!!!!
Please just give me 2 minutes in a closed room with this wacko! I’d get his attention REAL F’ing quick….
that is the type of people in the ISIS and other groups sorry for woman hoe he gets his comeupence
maybe one of the ones coming here, thanks Obama
bastardo uccideteli tutti sti incivili bastardi.
io ho paura della guerra e di questa gente.
Bacon fat and blood coated bullets.