While many of our readers have a longer time-frame than do I, at age 59 I would say that this is the weirdest presidential election I’ve ever witnessed.
Thus far the election process has produced one candidate who is so thoroughly corrupt and meglomaniacal that the fact that Hillary’s even still in the race is an indictment of our society.
The other candidate is a billionaire real-estate tycoon who started off his campaign with some pretty inflammatory and controversial statements, but who never-the-less defeated some impressive competitors to win his party’s nomination. Since this seems to be the election year of the “outsider,” this may actually help Mr. Trump.
For me, the choice is obvious. Hillary needs to be kept as far away from the White House as possible. With her warmongering and bellicose statements, there might not be much left of planet Earth by the end of her presidency. While The Donald is obviously not without his faults, the world is much more likely to be in one piece at the end of a Trump presidency. And he might actually get some very positive things accomplished.
But debating worthiness of candidates isn’t the purpose of this piece. Exploring what might happen if one of the candidates ceases to be able to run is.
Part of this interest in how candidates are replaced stems from specualations about the health of Hillary Clinton. There are clearly reasons to wonder if she has one or more serious illnesses. Her erratic behavior coupled with her known health history and comments by medical professionals have done nothing to quiet speculations that failing health may remove her before election day.
Trump is another case. He’s actually a bit older than Hillary, but does not appear to have any of the questionable health issues that besiege her. Concern about The Donald centers more on specualations on whether there might be attempts on his life — tragically, not an unprecidented possibility in U. S. elections.
So what could happen if one of these candidates became unable to continue for whatever reason?
Why haven’t we seen any More/New/Modern pictures of Hillary up close? Maybe this has something to do with it?: Hillary has a Medical situation, She fell down earlier in these years (2012 and again in 2016) and had smashed her head severely which put her out for a while (this has happened 3 times), Her family has a history of Heart Attacks resulting in Death, she has had Blood Clots and is on Blood thinner, Her doctor told her that she should only work 2 hours per day, She cannot remember that she had ‘Classified’ Document Training, then her eyes are crossing more and more, then there’s the Seizures…Oh the Seizures (Which seem to be set off when she hears any loud and sudden noises), Then, Recently her Secret Service team had to intervene because she was talking incoherently and was confused, she cannot even ascend a flight of stairs without assistance on both sides. She needs urgent medical attention. And she’s becoming more Disoriented by the day. She’s now wearing ‘Hardware’ to help her amble, but she still needs ‘Handlers’ to stabilize her. How can she even think about being the POTUS if she cannot even have the Stamina to stand at her own Rallies, She needs a Chair now, plus, She is required to wear Glasses to correct her Seizures. Ever notice that she’s wearing her Heavy Pants Suits even in the hottest of weathers? You wouldn’t do that unless you are hiding something. And now Hillary’s been canceling her Campaign stops and you hardly see her standing, and even if she does, there is a chair near by. Now Hillary is wearing an EXO-Skeleton to help support her and make herself look healthy (some Techie needs to Hack it and make her do the ‘GOONIES’ Chunk Dance). http://www.libertywritersnews.com/2016/08/hillarys-health-records-just-leaked-say-will-ruin/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kmRB4a33_o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_8AO5MDBEw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqbDBRWb63s and… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXXy4bvCHFE
They get cremated…
Oh My God ! What if ??
Scary to think that the Electors might be responsible for picking our president without a general election. I personally think that, if one candidate cannot continue for whatever reason, Owebummer would declare martial law and take over as King. For the “good of the country” of course.
Sounds like a lead in to an Every Brothers song!
Not really pleased if she dies before the election. Obpukeme will use it as his excuse to declare martial law and then appoint himself our forever King.
King Ding-Dong.?!
The party bosses pick a new nominee
Obama has zero plans of leaving the white house..open your eyes people!!