“Hamilton” has been described as “the hottest musical on Broadway.” The production takes the white founders of the US and replaces them with black and Latino actors. Generating rave reviews, “Hamilton” has created a great deal of media attention.
It just generated even more attention when Mike Pence chose to attend a performance of the musical. Greeted by both boos and cheers, the divisiveness of the recent election became an unfortunate part of the production as did a lecture to Mr. Pence at the end of the performance. And the casting process itself might have just run afoul of laws that liberals originally championed.
More on this twist of events on page two.
What they said had nothing to do with communist propoganda
Why was it wrong
No the ones who have privlege for there skin color are the racist
There are a Couple issues with Barry-O’ Pardoning Hillary Clinton;
1st: The HATE that the Obama’s have for the Clinton’s. That’s a huge hurdle.
2nd: If Barry-O’ Pardons Hillary, who’s going to Pardon the Obama’s? She can’t now, and she could easily turn on Him and his family.
The Clinton’s are as Great as Threat to the Obama’s if not greater if she if given a Pardon.
(feel free to expand)
Hey Hillary Lovers, Your Candidate Conceded, then went and got DRUNK instead of addressing her supporters! LOL! “Get Used To It.”-Barry-O’
They make a living your not paying there way and if you watched people booed pence majority of country voted for Hillary
How are they racist
Shut them down. Boycott and disband this Hamilton crew.
Look in the mirror
Its the Democrat Progressive way
This group will never get one penny of my money.